🎉 What God is doing in Marcus Canul CarePoint is just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! 🙌 👏
Valentina has been very sick for quite some time and the doctors couldn't find what was the matter with her. Since the beginning of the year she suddenly started to get worse. She started to sweat a lot, her vision got blurry very often, and she even fainted every now and then. Her blood pressure would drop so low and then go up so high. She would become weak and very pale. Other symptoms she would have are fever, headaches, and even stomach pains. It was horrible. She thought she would die. We were very worried to see her suffering this constantly and this much. She would always think the worst of her sickness and be very sad. 😫
⛰️ OH but her faith moved all mountains! Valentina would always just ask us to PLEASE KEEP PRAYING for her health and to never stop. This encouraged us so much. At times she would even say: "If I don’t get healed I still want to be friendly with everyone."
🙏 Weeks ago, before going to the hospital, Valentina came to the CarePoint first. During our devotional time with the kids, we prayed for her altogether. Valentina was very happy to know that all the children at the CarePoint love her and care for her as true friends.
💓 We kept on praying for the whole week and then …Suddenly, HERE WAS THE BOOM FAITH WORKING!! GOD HEALED HER COMPLETELY! Valentina has been healed and free of sickness!! She eats, smiles and plays. She is not weak nor sick anymore. All symptoms are gone! She is now part of the Christian dance group, enjoying good health with all the kids at the CarePoint. Her faith and smile got bigger! 😃 💗 🤯 ❣️ 🥰
~Mariluz, Good News Team: Belize