Gang Member to World Changer

When Moises arrived at the CarePoint, he was 15 years old. When he was a young child, his father abandoned the family. He had a disabled mother with only one leg, making it difficult for her to work. During Moises' early years, he faced the desperate situation of having no food in the house. Because of his desperation, Moises joined a local gang. As a child, he spent his time training to commit crimes. In his early years, the gang tasked him with missions like transporting drugs and spotting rival gang members or police presences in his territory. Thank goodness, Moises hadn't reached the point where he was responsible for killing someone else.

One day, the Los Pinos CarePoint facilitator, Elizabeth, approached Moises in the street and invited him to the Casa de Oración Familiar church. He agreed, and when Moises arrived that night, he had a powerful encounter with God.

What Moises had not told Elizabeth was that the gang had recently assigned him to kill another person. But now he had encountered Jesus, and Moises knew he could not kill another person and had to abandon gang life. **The next day, Moises notified the gang's leader that he would not fulfill the mission. The gang leader told Moises that if he surrendered his life totally to God, he would be allowed to leave because he had committed no serious crimes so far. Despite being unsure of God's plan, Moises knew God's path was the path of life, and he must follow it.

Moises left that gang meeting feeling relieved because it could have turned out differently. He was in a wonderful daze when he ran into a friend and asked him where he was going. The Friends responded, "I'm going to Children's Cup." That name sounded familiar, so Moises asked if a woman named Elizabeth was there. Yes, she is the facilitator, replied his friend. He also told Moises that he would find a family that would love and help him if he came.

The next day, Moisés visited the CarePoint and was welcomed with love and joy by the other children and Elizabeth. Moises' mother was thrilled that her son had surrendered to Jesus. She had prayed for him to change his ways. Every time Moises visited the CarePoint, he cried with gratitude. The feeling of love and acceptance was unlike anything he had ever experienced. In the church, he joined the intermediate group, began growing in the Word, and returned to school to finish his studies. His maturity even led him to assist the younger children at the CarePoint and help them with their homework.

Thanks to Children's Cup, Moises has grown into a strong 21-year-old man of God. After graduating from the Foundation's program, he found steady employment where he is an example to his colleagues. He is very open about God's grace and says he would've died or killed many others if he hadn't found Jesus and the CarePoint.

Moises now volunteers at the CarePoint and counsels many other youths in his neighborhood, sharing what God has done in him through Word and deeds to inspire other young people.

#InspiringDreams #ChangingWorlds #DreamBig #LosPinos #Honduras #BrightFuture


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