School Serve Project

One of our big activities with our Friends visiting from City Hope this week was our Serve Project at a local school in Cumbres.

We had the chance to serve by cleaning and painting lunch benches, as well as painting the entrance and classroom walls.

Initially, the elementary school director found this hard to believe, as in Mexico, it's often assumed there's a hidden agenda behind such actions, done without charge and without expecting anything in return.

But eventually, he came to understand that our goal was simply to bless the community and show God's love to each child.

On our second day working at the school, the children were delighted to see a team of visitors painting their school. Everyone wanted to say hello to them, many of them taking the opportunity to practice their English!  The work was hard but the result were so worth it. Now the children can enjoy this change, and know they are loved. Cumbres is a commonly forgotten community, one that few frequent. But it's acts of kindness like this that give hope not only to the children, but also to their families.

It filled us with joy to see the director's excitement at what had been accomplished.  

But it was not only that...

The whole school surprised us with this incredible detail!

Each child made a letter and paper flowers to thank the team for their love and service that they gave during these days. Our hearts were touched!  This has been more than we could have ever imagined!

~Zuriel, Good News Team: Mexico


Friendship Friday - Global SERVE Day


CupCakes, Conferences, and Celebrations!