A Note From a Friend

My name is Kara and I have always had a heart for missions. While helping in the Mission's Department at our church in Arizona, the director, Dan, came and shared about Children's Cup. We had the opportunity to partner with a newer CarePoint, Nueva Esperanza. I have been all in ever since that day… which was in 2019, I think.

Hearing the heart of Children's Cup and seeing how much one program can make an impact physically and spiritually on not just a child, but their entire family - I knew that this was the organization I wanted to be a part of.

When we saw all the kid’s at the CarePoint’s photos our hearts melted. We ended up picking Nueva Esperanza and it’s been such a joy to support and engage the kids there.

Since I have joined as a Friend my life has been impacted in a lot of big ways. I learned to love, give, and pray for those I have never met in a deeper way.** I was able to go on one of the Open Trips to Honduras and visit several CarePoints.

To see that a program I support was making a difference was so cool. I got to meet the kids, my Friends, on that trip to Honduras in 2023 and I can't imagine a life without them in it! The moment when they tell them “This is your Friend, Kara!” and seeing their faces lights up and give you huge hugs is beyond describable.

It was on that trip, at another CarePoint - La Cumbre - that my heart was filled and healed from some personal stuff in my own life. I ended up feeling like I needed to support them as well, so we now support two CarePoints! Being able to have a group of people that I can step out of my comfort zone with has been a huge blessing in my life.

People you don't know, yet feel a part of because we are all family in Christ. ..It is just the most amazing experience! I get in my own way and think that I'll never accomplish the calling of God on my life with everyday life getting “in the way”. Which I know is wrong, but don't we all go there? With Children's Cup they have opened a way for me to step out of my world and into the world of others. God has impressed on me to go, not to think about it and not to question anymore if I am doing enough. He has put this group of people in my life and wants me to commit to going on the Open Trips for now. He will provide for it and give me the focus in the day to day that I need for the other 51 weeks of the year.

That's just the tip of what God has done in my heart through Children's Cup. I can't imagine how God would have gotten me to where I am in my relationship with Him today without the friendship Children's Cup has provided to me. I am honored to be a part of this amazing group of people!!

~Kara Whitford, Children's Cup Friend

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Friendship Friday - March - We Are Treasure Seekers


Happy New Year!