Happy New Year!

"Balloons of Blessings!" Our little ones welcomed 2024 with laughter and positive vibes by choosing words that echo in their hearts and writing them on balloons.

Some of the words they wrote were...

  • Loved
  • Thankful
  • Smart
  • Kind
  • Playful
  • Handsome
  • Blessed
  • Determined
  • Strong
  • I can do all things
  • Wonderfully made

After writing their word for the year, everyone confidently shouted that word as loud as they could!

With this, they were reminded that God loves them, that they have hope, that they can dream, and change worlds!

These balloons carry more than just air; they carry the dreams of each child. Each balloon is a personal affirmation — a testament to the love of God and the positivity we are carrying into 2024.

Friends, let's journey into this new year with confidence, knowing God created us to shine brightly in Jesus' name!

~Mariluz, Good News Team: Belize


A Note From a Friend


Christmas at the CarePoints!