Faith in the Making

Our CarePoint is a fantastic place for children, where salvation happens, where kids are loved, and where they find hope even when darkness surrounds their lives. ✨ This was the case for 13 year old Jayden, who has endured so much at a young age. Jayden is the eldest of three siblings. His mother has not always been present in his life, and he often stays at his grandmother’s house just to have a plate of food 🍛 and find words of strength to face the world. When he first came to the CarePoint, he was a very different boy. You could see the pain in his eyes and on his face. 😔 Yet, he would always come and give me a hug, saying, “Thank you so much, Miss, for the nice food.” Little by little, he started opening up, and through our conversations, I began to understand the cause of his sorrow. I soon learned that Jayden was about to drop out of school, not because he wanted to, but because he didn’t have the necessary school supplies. 🎒📚 He thought quitting school would allow his younger siblings to continue studying since he was already in Standard VI, (grade 8). But I encouraged him, reminding him that he can have faith in God, who will provide for him and his family.

A while back, I invited Jayden to church ⛪️ and encouraged him to join Hopeful Heroes Kids Club, our discipleship program. He started attending along with his siblings, and in time, recently, he became actively involved in Dream Chasers Youth Club, our other discipleship program. That’s when I discovered his incredible talent for drawing and coloring! 🎨 Seeing his creativity, I knew God had placed something special in him.

Jayden loves his grandmother and prays for her because she recently underwent a difficult surgery. She recently underwent and operation, and she was struggling with her health. I invited both her and Jayden to come with me to church. I thank God that I was able to reach her in time! God has been working in her healing, and Jayden told me it was one of his greatest desires to see his grandmother come to church. Jayden is also deeply grateful for the food he receives every day at the CarePoint. 🍽 But the greatest blessing of all is that both he and his grandmother received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! 🙌 Now, they attend church together, and Jayden’s life has been transformed. He is happier, smiling more 😊, and growing in confidence as he sees what God is doing in his family.

Recently, he attended a kids’ leadership training at church, which deeply inspired him. He shared that he never imagined God had such wonderful plans for his life. Before, he often felt frustrated, as he had many responsibilities like washing clothes for his grandmother and siblings and taking care of household chores because she was unable to. But today, we glorify Jesus because He is also working in his mother’s life! She has now come to live with them and is taking care of them.👏We are so thankful to God for the transformation happening in this family. JAYDEN'S FAITH IS IN THE MAKING! It's growing and building up! Please keep Jayden, his grandmother, and his mother in your prayers so that God will continue lifting their hearts and fulfilling His plans in their lives. 🙏 God bless you all! ❤️

~ Elodia Vallecillo, Marcus Canul CarePoint Coordinator


Christmas at the CarePoints!