Friendship Friday - June: God’s Goodness in Creation

Mark your calendar - our next Friendship Friday is happening on June 14th!

This time, our Friends in the Dominican Republic are inviting us to spend time celebrating God's goodness in Creation!

Creation is an excellent example of God's love and goodness towards us. Every part of it, including the earth, water, animals, plants, and especially human beings, is designed andcreated for His glory.

Download the Activity Pack HERE to join in on fun activities that will help us to marvel at the goodness of God’s creation in our daily lives and to recognize the dignity that every human being has in His eyes.

It's gonna be a blast!

Be sure to check the Friendship Dashboard on June 14th to engage with your pals and celebrate together!


“The Best Moments of My Life, I Spend It at the CarePoint”


Friendship Friday - May - Worldwide Friendship Garden