Friendship Friday: You’ve Got a Friend in Me

Friendship Friday is finally here!! 👏 Our theme this month is “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” and it’s all about getting to know the great pals God has placed in our lives, learning what we have in common, and celebrating what makes us unique!

In Mexico, the kids took turns saying what they love most about each other.

In Belize, the kids brought Friendship Friday to Jadiel's house - a kid who is homebound due to cancer. It meant the world to him to have his Friends come to his home to hang out with him and remind him the true meaning of what Friendship is all about.

In Africa the kids interviewed each other, helped each other with homework, played Friendship focused games, and prayed over one another.

In the DR, the kids got to give a piece of candy to one friend that they knew well. Along with the candy, they shared a quality they see in that person that makes them "the most fantastic friend in the world!"

In Honduras, the kids played Friendship BINGO and had fun getting to see what they have in common and what makes them unique.

Wow! What an amazing Friendship Friday.

Now it’s your turn! Head to your Friendship Dashboard to see more fun posts from your friends. Don't forget to introduce yourself and share some fun facts about you! What are your talents, hobbies, favorite snacks, likes, dislikes, and prayer requests? We can't wait to hear from you!

Thank you for being our Friend!

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Friendship Friday - Spirit Day
