How Friendship Changed Natalia’s Life

From a very young age, Natalia experienced many hardships and challenges. Her single mom worked hard selling tortillas and washing clothes in order to support Natalia, her two siblings, and three of her cousins. But without consistent job opportunities, keeping a roof over their heads was a struggle. Natalie began to grow bitter as the world seemed to be continually working against her and her family. Living in this harsh reality took a toll on her self-esteem and her countenance began to sink.

When Natalia joined the CarePoint, she found a home. She found the love and acceptance she longed for. But it wasn’t until she connected with one of her Children’s Cup Friends that things really changed for her. Once she realized that someone was in her corner, cheering her on, that she was chosen - everything changed. Natalia began to walk with her head held high. She grew in confidence knowing that she was truly loved, valued, and seen.

Natalie found the hidden treasure of value when she discovered the gift of having a Friend. To her, it was truly a reflection and tangible expression of the love God has for her. And that perspective has changed her entire life.


Feliza’s first steps